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Local Missions

Serving our City.

Global Missions

Serving our World.

Tricord Global:

Tricord Global provides small loans to the poor in developing nations, empowering them to move beyond poverty and into productive prosperity.

Terri Savelle Foy Ministries:

Terri is the CEO of an international Christian ministry, an author, conference speaker, and success coach to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.

Greg Fritz:

Greg Fritz has been spreading the Good News of the gospel for over 35 years, traveling literally millions of miles in the United States and abroad. His travels include life-changing ministry in over 25 nations of the world, emphasizing grace, faith and revival!

Mission Of Life/Behrman Ministries

Our vision is:
Empowering the church to take the gospel where it has never been heard. Reaching those in remote areas who have no access to hearing the good news unless someone goes to them. We train indigenous pastors, churches & believers in reaching those in their “backyard” who have never heard and to see churches planted among them.

Visit Us

We would love to see you on Sunday morning. We have three services: 9:00am, 10:30am and 12:00pm. Let us know if you have any questions beforehand.